Abenteuer Escape Room

Auf der Suche nach Gulliver (normal)


Was dich erwartet

Gulliver begibt sich auf seine zweite Reise ins Land der Riesen. Nicht nur die Menschen sind hier riesig, sondern auch die ganze Natur ist hier viel grösser als er selbst. Angekommen in Brobdingnag im Hause eines Inselbewohners stellst du aber fest: Gulliver ist spurlos verschwunden. Die Gefahr droht: In einer Stunde kommt ein Riesenkater in das Haus, um Mäuse zu jagen. Deine Grösse entspricht genau Murrmurrs Leibspeise. Höchste Zeit abzuhauen!
„Auf der Suche nach Gulliver“ ist ein körperlich aktiver Escape Raum in dem ihr auch herumklettern und kriechen müsst!
Mindestalter der Teilnehmer: 8+ Jahre in Begleitung der Eltern bzw. 14+ Jahre ohne Eltern
Verfügbar auf Deutsch, Englisch

Auf der Suche nach Gulliver (ZÜRICH)

ab CHF99.00

Available languages: English, German

Ein Widget fürs Rätselraum "Das GeisterHaus"




In 1924 the mysterious disappearance of the Morel family made the news.

Despite the suspicion that a serial killer is running in the area, the police closed the case due to the lack of evidence…just until your team of detectives specialized in unsolved crimes intervenes 80 years later.

Together, you have an opportunity to find out the truth about this dark story.

127 rue Jeanne d’Arc, 75013 Paris

2-8 players

60 minutes


Was unsere Kunden sagen

Basierend auf 989 Rezensionen
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The two of us played the haunted house. After various, similar escape rooms, this one was once again very varied and creative. Various puzzles have never been seen before or not often. Everything worked and was a lot of fun. You have to move a little and the spooky factor was there! A great room and also easy to solve for two people. We will definitely test another room!
Marina S.
14:45 19 Jan 25
We played the haunted house as a couple. It was really awesome! We were totally thrilled because it is simply completely different than other providers. Can highly recommend it
Silvia S.
20:00 13 Jan 25
The three of us played the “Alice in Wonderland” room. The rooms are very impressively designed. It has many different puzzles. I was very satisfied. The staff was also super friendly. Absolute recommendation!
Ivana Kovac
21:52 12 Jan 25
The three of us were there this evening and played Alice in Wonderland. It was also very easy to understand in English and the rooms are cool. Thanks for the tips, dear Petra. We would love to come back…
Nelx YZ
10:24 10 Jan 25
Been there twice and loved it each time. The staff are very friendly and the rooms are great too!
Willem Botha
13:43 08 Jan 25
The Alice In Wonerland is one of the best rooms I’ve ever played. Friendly staff and amazing rooms!
Lee Scott
13:40 08 Jan 25
The best escape room that we visited and played. We played Alice in Wonderland & Ghost House! It was amazing and so much fun. Scary and thrilling at the same time. Will highly recommend if you are in Zurich
Stephany Herzog
17:44 16 Oct 24
We liked the concept of Gulliver and the physical parts of it, but 1 mechanism was broken, 1 had an unnecessary part, and 2 seemed to be malfunctioning therefore sometimes making you think you had the wrong answer. Also it meant that we were less willing to try to figure it out as after wasting time on 2 when we did have it right meant we weren't sure, so we had to ask. It seems like when this room first opened it would have been awesome, but after much love it is time for an upgrade. The staff were very friendly and location was easy to find.
19:28 01 Aug 24
As someone who is obsessed with horror films, "The House of Ghosts" escape room was an absolute thrill and a must-visit for any horror fan. The attention to detail was incredible, and the special effects were on par with those you'd expect from a top-tier horror movie.The jump scares were perfectly timed and genuinely made my heart race. Each room offered a unique challenge, and the way the story unfolded as we moved through the different spaces was masterfully done.The combination of atmosphere, effects, and cleverly designed puzzles made it one of the best escape rooms I've ever experienced. If you're a fan of horror, you cannot miss this! Highly recommended!
Carrie Higgins
20:46 06 Jul 24
Brilliant escape room. We were on holiday in Switzerland for a week. We did the Alice in wonderland room initially and loved it so much we booked the Gulliver room on our final night before flying home.Both were very well done. My husband and I have done a lot of rooms and this is one of our favourite places. Staff are friendly. Couldn't recommend more!!

Unsere Rooms in Zürich

Escape Room

Auf der Suche nach Gulliver

Gulliver begibt sich auf seine zweite Reise ins Land der Riesen – und du bist mitten drin! Entkomme dem Riesenkater, bevor es zu spät ist!

Escape Room

Alice im Wunderland

Wenn ihr euch entscheidet, Alice ins Wunderland zu folgen, dann geratet ihr ganz bestimmt in Schwierigkeiten! Ihr habt etwas mehr als eine Stunde Zeit, um den Bewohnern der magischen Welt die Ruhe und Ordnung zurückzubringen!

Escape Room

Das Geisterhaus

Ihr schleicht in ein gruseliges  Geisterhaus – jetzt müsst ihr entkommen, bevor die Geister euch für immer hierbehalten!

Arcade Room


Magst du Arcade Spiele aus den 80ern? Dann komm in unseren Pixel Raum und beweise, dass du schnell und schlau bist!

Unsere Rooms in St. Gallen

Escape Room

Der Archäologe

Geht durch den verlassenen Minenschacht, um nacheinander alle Herausforderungen zu entdecken. Dochte, Zünder und Dynamit warten auf euch auf den Umwegen in diesem einzigartigen Abenteuer im verborgenen Tempel!

Activate Room


Sector ist kein Escape Room! Sector ist ein Actionspiel, bei dem ihr in 1 Stunde durch 6 verschiedene Räume geht und versucht der Lava auszuweichen uvm!

* Start für neues Team alle 10 min
Escape Room

Grand Hotel Noir

Die Zeiten zynischer Männer und wunderschöner Frauen, komplizierter Intrigen und waghalsiger Raubüberfälle. Eure Detektei wurde beauftragt, in einem neuen Fall diskret zu ermitteln.

Escape Room


Einmal falsch abgebogen und ein Spaziergang durch einen malerischen Wald wird plötzlich zu einem Albtraum! Hunger, Durst, Panik… Glaubt ihr, das ist das Schlimmste, was verirrten Reisenden passieren kann?

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